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The power of vibration



Sonotherapy is an ancestral therapeutic practice based on sound vibration and relaxation. The sounds can be those of instruments such as the sound of gongs, Tibetan bowls, crystal, the sound of the drum (etc.) or the sound of the voice.


Relaxation / Sound massage


The Himalayan/Tibetan bowls are placed on the clothed body, vibrating energy pathways inside the body. Each type of bowl is used in association with the meridians to release these pathways on three levels: physical, mental and energetic.

The sound massage relieves stress and promotes inner balance. It brings an intense feeling of calm and well-being, and helps with regeneration

of the


natural functions of the body.

The sound massage is an individual, couple or duo treatment. A journey through the magic of the sounds of various instruments 💫

Sound Relaxation

“Crystal Bath”

Crystal instruments broadcast a very pure sound, with precise frequencies and harmonics.

Immersion in a crystal sound bath allows you to relax in depth and release tensions/blockages accumulated by the vibrational work of crystal frequencies. The energetic power of rock crystal generates a transformative wave instantly.

A gentle and purely luminous experience that dissolves our fears and limiting emotions. Crystalline energy brings inner calm, joy of being and renewed vitality. It transforms and liberates

Sound therapy:

A sound bath is an experience of listening and feeling immersed in sound.

A unique experience every time. The same sound is received differently by everyone, and also depending on our physical, emotional, mental state, etc.

Sound therapy allows you to slow down brain activity, achieve deep relaxation, a meditative state, activate the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system, and return to homeostasis and the balance of vital functions.

Furthermore, the sound emits a vibration, a wave which resonates with the cells of the body and acts like a massage for the body on all levels, physical of course but also energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual.

Sound therapy allows you to calm down and reconnect. It helps to let go, to release physical, mental and emotional tensions. It resources, harmonizes, lightens, soothes, fluidifies. It aligns, reconnects, balances. It supports our self-healing abilities.

In our overstimulating modern world, based on action, doing, Yang, every possibility of returning to calm, of relaxation helps us to return to balance, to harmonize, in a better Yin/Yang balance.

A sound therapy session is deeply

Yin. Just be. Receive. Perceive.

I offer individual sound baths and group sessions (see events) where I use the vibration of sound, drum, gong, bowls, voice and other instruments.


Sound therapy is a very powerful tool, the effects of which can vary from one person to another.

Under no circumstances does the sound therapist replace your attending physician or a specialist in the event of a medical problem.


Sonotherapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

• for pacemaker wearers,

• for people with epileptic disorders*,

• for pregnant women less than 4 months or more than 8 months*

*in these cases, please contact us directly for a prior exchange.

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